
Kioomars Musayyebi was born and raised in 1977 in Teheran. He was tought playing Santur at young age by grandmaster Faramarz Payvar and learned music theory and composition from the iranian composers Farhad Fakhreddini and  Kambiz Roshanravan.


2010 he obtained his bachelor‘s degree in instrumental music at Teheran University of Art. Inbetween 2013-2015 he carried on obtaining his master of art degree in „World music and cultural diversity in musical eduacation“ at Hildesheim University. Until today he is engaged as Santur lecturer at the „Center for World music“ at „Hildesheim University“.



At the beginning of his career he worked with several iranian music groups as musician and as composer in Iran and in foreign countries.

From 2001 to 2008 he accompanied musically theatre groups under the artistic direction of well known Pari Saberi amongst others at Vahdat-Hall in Teheran.

Furthermore he collected working experiences in productions of movie music, advertising films and multimedial children‘s stories partly in his own production studio plus for third-party productions, where he meanwhile established advanced knowledge in sound engineering and sound production.

At the age of 18 his Santur teaching activities at several music schools in Teheran started. In 2007 he produced six CDˋs for Santur lessons.

In 2008 he set up his own music school in Teheran, the Avay–e–Sharzad–music school, which is educating musicians until today.

Since 2011 he is teaching, composing and playing in Germany – with musicians from all around the world, from Europe, India, Africa and Asia in numerous international line-ups.


Besides active music playing he is giving workshops and tutorials in persian music theory in various german cities and locations, e.g. at the Landesmusikakademie Heek , at the college of music Dresden and at the Opernhaus Dortmund etc..

2016-2017 he was involved as presenter and coordinator in the project „Eine Bühne für Geflüchtete“, a stage for refugees at Ringlokschuppen in Mülheim an der Ruhr. 

2018 he was directing the pilot project „Qualifizierungen von und mit geflüchteten MusikerInnen“, a qualification project for refugee musicians at Bahnhof Langendreer in Bochum.

Ever since the establishment of the „Dortmunder Bürger*innen Oper“ in 2018 he is bound up as group– and workshop leader of the Santur intrumentalists, lately at the performances of „Die Bürgschaft“ and „Der kleine schwarze Fisch“.

Career path as musician

In the subsequent years he was invited as soloist to multiple festivals, including: Moers Festival, Jazzoffensive-Potsdam, Fusion-Berlin, Opernhaus Berlin, Folk’n’Fusion–Hildesheim, Dastgah Festival–Hannover, Musica Sacra International–Marktoberdorf (Bavaria), Ruhr International Festival–Bochum and with his band at: Hildesheimer Wallungen, Essen.Original Festival and as well at the Creole competitions in 2017 and 2019 in Northrhine Westphalia.

Since 2013 he is part of the „Transorient Orchestra“ , which is a multicultural world music bigband with 13 musicians from the Ruhr area, that won the „WDR Jazz Preis“ in 2017 and in 2024 the orchestra is nominated for the music award “Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik” in the category “Traditional Ethnic Music”. Besides his activity at the Transorient Orchestra he is playing regularly with his colleague and virtuoso, Andreas Heuser in the duo „Santur-Gitarre“.

2015 his own band, the „Kioomars Musayyebi Quartett“ was instituted, whereby four musicians from Germany and Iran are connecting artful impressions of oriental melodies and rhythms with European Arragements, world music and inluences of jazz.

Since 2017 he is furthermore part of the „Orchester der Kulturen“, likely the only one of a kind orchestra with instruments from all over the world, under the direction of Adrian Werum.

In 2017 and 2019 he was part of two dialogue projects of the Northrhine Westphalia Cuture Secretariat called „West- Östliche Saiten- Dialog and the „SONIQ – Oriental Strings Project“.

In 2017 he started his activity as advisory council for the „NRW Kulursekretariat Wuppertal“ and additional he is an active musician and curratorium member of the collective „Beyond the roots“. Extending beyond he has a speakership for the „ Plattform Aktuelle Musikkulturen (PAM) der IFM e.V. (Initiative Freie Musik Köln)“.

Since 2018 he is playing with the „Nouruz Ensemble“, which consists of four oriental virtuosos inter alia the instruments, Djoze, Santur, Nay and several percussions. This academic ensemble of musicians is performing across german boarders, too.

In 2021 Musayyebi‘s albumtitle „A Voice keeps calling me“ was nominated for the music award „Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik“ in the category traditional ethnic music.

Over and above he has accompanied theatre projects as Santur player under the direction of Amos Gitai in London and Paris named „A Letter to a friend“ and „The House“ in 2018, 2019 and 2023. These projects will be continued in 2024 in Italy and Great Britain. 

From 2021 on he is a member of the „Asambura Ensemble“, part of „Oriental Colours“, a project from Annette Maiburg and he is part of the pricewinning  “Prima Materia”– project, directed by Maria Jonas und  Bassem Hawar.

Since 2022 until today he is playing with the Bridges Kammerorchester, which performed his compositions as an orchestra for the first time, e.g. „Simorgh“ and „Entezar“.

The artist collective „Kosmotronix“, a project from Maren Lueg is one of his latest multimedial cooperations in 2023, like being a part of the “Tember Ensemble”, an electroaccoustic and a furthermore transcultural collaboration, initiated by Alireza Ostovar, with whom he guested at the Moers Jazz Festival and is nominated for the music award “Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik” in the categories “Electronic and Experimental and Crossover Productions”.

In November 2023 the Northrhine Westphalia government orchestra performed compositions by Musayyebi at Tonhalle Düsseldorf.