Kioomars Musayyebi Quartett

Four musicians from very different backgrounds have come together to form the Kioomars Musayyebi Quartet. Christian Hammer, Erfan Pejhanfar, Nils Imhorst, and Kioomars Musayyebi perform impressions of oriental melodies and rhythms blended with European arrangements—world music with influences from jazz.

The music focuses on the compositions of Iranian santur player Kioomars Musayyebi and the arrangements of German guitarist Christian Hammer. The combination of melodies and instruments merges into something entirely new, creating a unique sound.

The interplay and atmosphere between the musicians are what define the Kioomars Musayyebi Quartet. This collaboration produces the distinctive sound that sets the band apart.

Since its founding in February 2015, the quartet has performed at various festivals across Germany, including the Hildesheimer Wallungen and Essen.